Pioneering the next generation of immunotherapies




Executive Director, Head of IO Discovery, AstraZeneca

Saso Cemerski

Executive Director, Head of Immune Engagers, AstraZeneca


高级总监,R&D 肿瘤学, AstraZeneca

免疫肿瘤学在过去十年中呈指数级增长,正在改变患者的治疗结果. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在探索创新的方法来增强人体免疫系统对抗癌症的能力, such as novel multispecific antibodies and next-generation immune cell engagers, including our pioneering trispecific CD8+ selective T-cell engager platform.

The expansion of immuno-oncology 

对一些患者来说,第一波免疫疗法具有变革性——可能治愈, but they aren’t effective for everyone.一些癌症对免疫疗法没有反应,而另一些则随着时间的推移产生耐药性.1

There are many factors that influence the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatment, such as the state of the patient’s immune system and the tumour microenvironment, both of which can be manipulated by cancer cells to suppress immune responses.2

澳门在线赌城娱乐, our scientists are exploring sophisticated approaches to support the patient’s own immune responses against cancer. 其中包括在免疫系统无法识别癌症的患者中产生合成免疫反应的新方法,以及克服肿瘤微环境的免疫抑制性,这限制了某些患者免疫治疗的有效性. 


Find out how next-generation immunotherapies, such as multispecific antibodies and immune cell engagers, can harness the body's immune system to target cancer cells in this video:

The evolution of multispecific antibodies

Some of the most promising immunotherapies include multispecific antibodies that bind to multiple different antigens, either on the same or different cells.3

双特异性抗体可以通过同时靶向两种分子来产生新的生物反应. 例如, 它们可以设计成针对同一T细胞上的两个不同的免疫检查点, combining the potential benefits of two drugs in a single molecule.4 另外, 可以设计多特异性来增加分子的效力和选择性, 例如, 通过使用抗体的一只手臂来“引导”另一只手臂与另一个受体的结合.4 此外, 它们可以通过在靶细胞内触发非规范信号级联或通过使细胞以新的方式相互作用来设计新的生物学.5

The emergence of immune cell engagers

第一代免疫疗法通过释放控制T细胞功能的“刹车”来发挥作用, allowing them to attack tumour cells.6 但这依赖于一群T细胞的存在,这些T细胞能够识别癌细胞表面表达的异常抗原.6

免疫细胞接合物 是否有一类多特异性抗体可以绕过对抗原特异性T细胞的要求.7 One arm of the antibody binds to a target on the surface of a cancer cell, 而另一种则与免疫细胞(如T细胞)表面的受体结合,使两者接近.7 这在它们之间形成了一个合成突触,激活T细胞来攻击癌症.7

这种令人兴奋的方式提供了一种新方法,通过利用比传统免疫疗法更大的免疫细胞池来增强患者的免疫系统. They could even be designed to recruit other immune cells to attack the cancer.7 通过产生新的反应,这些方法对弱或无抗肿瘤反应的患者有潜在的益处.

The first generation of immune cell engagers are bispecific, 并且通过靶向CD3在更广泛的免疫系统中取得了相当大的成功, which is expressed by all T cells.8 We are advancing our novel trispecific CD8+ selective T-cell engager platform, which includes several T-cell engagers that preferentially engage CD8+ T cells, 在预防和消除癌症中起重要作用的T细胞亚群. 另外, these T-cell engagers are only active when bound to cancer cells, meaning unwanted effects are minimised.

Developing the next generation of immunotherapies

We have invested heavily in our diverse oncology portfolio, which spans many different treatment modalities. 这使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够设计和测试能够与澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的多特异性抗体和免疫细胞接合物候选物协同作用的新型联合疗法.

例如, we are exploring the use of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and small molecules that can selectively kill cancer cells, and combine with immunotherapies to initiate an anti-tumour response.9 这意味着澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以从多个角度来对付癌症,更聪明地打击肿瘤,推动更深入、更持久的反应.9

As we look to the future, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对免疫系统如何识别和处理肿瘤细胞的理解正在不断提高, 为增强人体抵御各种癌症的天然防御能力提供新方法. One key tool in our arsenal is our advanced oncology data platform, 是谁组织澳门第一赌城在线娱乐庞大的数据储备,并使用人工智能来指导肿瘤学新疗法和策略的发展.

We’re just getting started

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正生活在一个免疫疗法已经成为癌症治疗前沿的时代. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐孜孜不倦地致力于发现新的癌症治疗方法,并期待着有一天澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够应用这些创新方法来改变全球更多患者的治疗结果.




1. Eno J. Immunotherapy Through the Years. J律师事务所. 2017;8(7):747-753.

2. Koury J, Lucero M, Cato C, et al. Immunotherapies: Exploiting the Immune System for Cancer Treatment. J免疫学. 2018.

3. Suurs FV, Hooge MNL, de Vries EGE, et al. 肿瘤和临床挑战中的双特异性抗体和抗体结构综述. 药理学 & 治疗. 2019;201:103–19.

4. Ordóñez-Reyes C, Garcia-Robledo JE, Chamorro DF, et al. 癌症免疫治疗中的双特异性抗体:对一个老问题的新回应. 制药学. 2022;14(6):1243.

5. Lee NK, Zhang Y, Su Y, et al. Cell-type specific potent Wnt signaling blockade by bispecific antibody. Sci代表. 2018;8(1):766.

6. Huehls A M,等. Bispecific T cell engagers for cancer immunotherapy. 免疫细胞生物学. 2015; 93(3): 290-296.

7. Fucà G, Spagnoletti A, Ambrosini M, et al. 实体瘤中的免疫细胞接合体:下一代免疫治疗的前景和挑战. ESMO开放. 2021;6(1):100046.

8. Zhou S, Liu M, Ren F, et al. The landscape of bispecific T cell engager in cancer treatment. Biomark Res. 2021;9(1):38.

9. 彼得斯C,布朗S. Antibody-drug conjugates as novel anti-cancer chemotherapeutics. Biosci代表. 2015;35(4):e00225.

Veeva ID: Z4-63995
Date of preparation: May 2024